Our Mission
It is the mission of the Western Piedmont Council of Governments Area Agency on Aging to be responsive to the changing needs of older people, persons with disabilities, and their families through a community based system of supports and services. To listen carefully, respect individual choice, promote independence and assist younger citizens in planning for their later years.
Our Vision
The Western Piedmont Council of Governments Area Agency on Aging will be Region E's leading source of information, options and services for individuals as they grow older. We will achieve this goal by working with the region's older adults, persons with disabilities, families, services providers and community leaders to build livable and senior friendly communities that are prepared to meet the challenges of a growing aging population.
Area Agency on Aging
Our Services
Administer federal, state, and local funds to agencies serving older adults.
Serve as a primary resource for information and assistance.
Advocate for the needs of caregivers and older adults with media partners, legislators and the Senior Tar Heel Legislature.
Lead regional planning efforts to develop programs and resources to meet the increased needs of the growing number of older adults in our service area.
Provide education, training events, and presentations on aging topics for older adults, caregivers and professionals.
The Ombudsman Program advocates for the rights of residents living in nursing homes and adult care homes and advocates against Elder Abuse.
The Family Caregiver Support Program connects caregivers with community resources for education, support, and respite
Health Promotion Programs provides education for healthier life outcomes.
The “Resource Directory for Older Adults” is a guide book published by our agency that is available to older adults, caregivers and service providers.

Region E Regional Aging Service Plan 2024-2028