Services available to caregivers:
Information about available services and resources to help families in their caregiver roles.
Assistance to families in gaining access to services from a variety of public and private agencies. Help in planning future needs.
Caregiver Support to help families cope with the emotional and physical stress associated with caregiving.
Caregiver Training events to educate families on topics such as care techniques, communication with health care professionals, making healthcare, legal and financial decisions.
Respite Care provided by nursing assistants aids in home who perform a wide range of tasks while also providing temporary respite for the caregiver.
Limited Supplemental Services to complement care provided by eligible caregivers. Most are one-time services such as home modifications (ramps, grab bars, assistive devices, and safety inspections).
Who is a family caregiver?
Caregivers age 18 and over who are caring for someone over the age of 60.
Family Caregivers of a person with Alzheimer’s disease or a related dementia.
Grandparents or relative caregivers who are 55 years and older and are providing care for adult children with a disability who are between 19 and 59 years of age.
Caregivers must reside in the service area of Alexander, Burke, Caldwell and Catawba counties.
Caregiver Support
The Family Caregiver Support Program is dedicated to empowering the caregiver with information and resources to make their caregiver journey successful.
Caregiver Resources
Resource Directory for Older Adults 2022
Benefits of Respite
For more
information contact:
Mary Mitchell
Family Caregiver Specialist
Lista de Servicios para Cuidadores en el Condado de Catawba