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Community Assessments

The Catawba County Schools-Early Head Start Community Assessment as an example of a special student completed by the Western Piedmont Council of Governments. The Catawba County School System is aware of the challenges posed by economic hardship and demographic change to families of very young children through Catawba County. Assisting these families to raise physically and mentally healthy infants and toddlers is the goal of the Catawba County Schools-Early Head Start (CCS-EHS) program. In order to understand the needs of CCS-EHS’ clients, Catawba County Schools secured the services of the WPCOG to examine the challenges facing young families in the areas of income, employment and health. The analysis seeks to determine geographic areas in Catawba County to concentrate outreach and services provided by the CCS-EHS program. The assessment analyzes data from birth certificates, the US Census Bureau, the NC Department of Public Instruction and other sources.


The first Early Head Start Community Assessment was completed in 2019. The second community assessment was completed in 2014. For more information about the Catawba County Schools-Early Head Start Community Assessment, or other special studies, contact WPCOG Data Analyst Taylor Dellinger (828.485.4233) or



Catawba County Schools - Early Head Start



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