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Economic Indicators Newsletter

On a quarterly basis, the WPCOG Data Center produces an Economic Indicators Newsletter (EIN) for the Greater Hickory Metro area. The EIN is produced with support of the Western Piedmont Workforce Development Board.


The EIN includes in-depth analysis of economic issues facing the four counties region including American Community Survey results, bank deposits, commuting trends, construction activity, employment trends, income and poverty, retail sales and tourism. The most current EIN is distributed to local governments, workforce development board members, WPCOG policy board members and business/non-profit EIN subscribers. Click on the hyperlink below to sign up for the EIN for free.  You will receive EIN issues digitally once a quarter for no cost.  You can also become an EIN supporter for $200 and receive 25 hard copies per quarter and your organization listing on the back page.  Previous EIN issues can be viewed below.


For more information about the Hickory Metro Economic Indicators Newsletter, contact WPCOG Senior Data Analyst/GIS Manager, Taylor Dellinger 828.485.4233 or






To request digital copies of previous Economic Indicators Newsletters issues (1998-present), please contact WPCOG Senior Data Analyst Taylor Dellinger 828.485.4233 or

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828.322.9191 | Fax: 828.322.5991

Mailing: P.O. Box 9026 | Hickory, NC 28603
Location: 1880 2nd Avenue NW | Hickory, NC 28601

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