Applicant families must meet the following requirements
Complete application process
Meet income limits specified by HUD
Qualify on the basis of citizenship or the eligible immigrant status
Sign required consent forms
Pass screening process
Eligibility for a housing choice voucher can be found in The WPCOG’s Administrative Plan for Section 8, and determined based on total annual gross income and family size.
In general, the family's income may not exceed 50% of the median income for the county or metropolitan area in which the family chooses to live. Median income levels are published by HUD and vary by location. And can be found on the HUD website listed here.
Application Process
When a family wishes to receive assistance, an application must be submitted.
If the RHA determines that your family is eligible, your name will be placed on a waiting list. When your name reaches the top of the waiting list, a housing specialist will contact you by mail to begin the secondary screening process. It is critical that you keep your mailing address updated with the RHA.
Frequently asked questions:
Q. Do you offer emergency housing?
A. No. Everyone must go on the waiting list.
Q. What is the age limit of eligibility?
A. You must be 18 years of age or older to apply.
Q. Do you have to have children to apply?
A. No
Q. Do you have to be working to be eligible?
A. No
How It Works
Navigate Services
An eligible family that has been issued a housing choice voucher may use that voucher to lease a unit anywhere in the United States where there is a housing agency operating a Section 8 program. This feature of the program is referred to as portability.
Steps to porting:
Inform your housing specialist that you want to port to another housing agency
Section 8 sends your paperwork to the Housing agency of your choice
The new agency processes your paperwork
It becomes the responsibility of the new agency to contact you and schedule the necessary appointments to begin your assistance in the new location.
Program FAQ’s
How do I report a change in my income?
Anytime there is a change in income it must be reported in writing within ten days. A letter, fax or email are all acceptable forms of written notification.
Updates can also be submitted via the Tenant Portal located here (http://housing.wpcog.net/UserLogin.aspx).We do not accept a change over the phone.
How do I report a change in family members?
To add children to your lease: Notify your worker if you have had a baby, adopted a child or received legal custody of a minor under the age of 18. You must provide a social security card and birth certificate for the minor.
To add an adult to your household: All adults must complete an income screening, pass a criminal background check, and have owner approval.
To remove a household member: Notify your worker if a household member is moving or is absent from the rental for greater than 30 days. Verification of the move will be requested.
How often do I get reviewed?
Each year an annual review, including an inspection, is performed for each participant. A letter will be mailed to you with the date and time of your inspection. Beginning April 2023, online recertifications can also be completed via the Tenant Portal here http://housing.wpcog.net/UserLogin.aspx.