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Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP)

Under federal law, all metropolitan areas with a population greater than 50,000 must have a long-range transportation plan in order to access federal funds. Long-range transportation planning allows the region to plan for the infrastructure needed to handle increases in population, employment and travel demand and to help mitigate congestion, air pollution and other associated issues.


As a result of the 2010 Census the Greater Hickory MPO was designated a Transportation Management Area (TMA), having surpassed an urbanized area of greater than 200,000. Subsequently, future renditions of the ‘Long-Range Transportation Plan’ will be known as the Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP).


Between late 2021 and early 2023, GHMPO will be developing a new 2050 Plan. 


In launching the new 2050 Plan, a values survey in late 2021 collected almost 200 responses on area transportation needs. 



2050 MTP Chapters and Appendices, and CTP Documents



Adopted 2045 MTP Chapters

Chapter 1


Chapter 6

Public Transportation

Chapter 10B

Environmental Justice

and Policies 2016

Chapter 2

Performance Measures

Chapter 7

Bike and Ped

Chapter 11

Public Involvement

Chapter 3

Existing & Projected Conditions

Chapter 8

Safety and Security 

Chapter 12


Chapter 4

Highways & Roads

Chapter 9

Natural Environment

Chapter 13


Chapter 5

Financial Plan

Chapter 10A

Title VI

Appendix A -

Problem Statements

Appendix B - 

CTP Project Descriptions

Appendix C - Public involvement for 2045 MTP

Appendix D -


Management Process

Under state law, MPOs and municipalities are directed to develop a Comprehensive Transportation Plan (CTP) in cooperation with the North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT). By comparison to the Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP), the CTP is not required to be fiscally constrained and no minimum horizon year or update timeframes are specified. The MTP is the fiscally constrained subset of the CTP.


The collective MTP/CTP is based on the projected growth for the four-county region.  As transportation needs throughout the state exceed available funding, it is imperative that the local planning area aggressively pursue funding for priority projects.


Local governments may use the MTP/CTP to guide development and protect corridors for the recommended projects.  It is critical that NCDOT and local governments coordinate on relevant land development reviews and all transportation projects to ensure proper implementation of the MTP/CTP. Local governments and the North Carolina Department of Transportation share the responsibility for access management and the planning, design and construction of the recommended projects.



WPCOG will provide auxiliary aids and services under the Americans with Disabilities Act for individuals with disabilities. Translating services will be available upon request. Anyone requiring accommodations should contact WPCOG at 828-322-9191 at least one week prior to the meeting so arrangements can be made.

MTP 2045
Amendment Summary 

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