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Mission/Strategic Plan

Mission/Strategic Plan

WIOA Plan for PY2024-2028

The Western Piedmont Workforce Development Board (WDB), in partnership with national, state and local governments, is a local policy board responsible for the planning, oversight and coordination of workforce development initiatives in Alexander, Burke, Caldwell and Catawba counties. Of the 14 metropolitan statistical areas (MSA), the Hickory MSA is currently the seventh largest Metro area in North Carolina. As of Census 2010, Alexander-Burke-Caldwell-Catawba County population is 365,497.


Purpose Statement: The purpose of the Western Piedmont Workforce Development Board is to be at the center of community and regional leadership to identify workforce challenges, to be the convener of the conversation to resolve the challenges, to be the champion for workforce development, to work in a collaborative partnership with key stakeholders, (especially economic development and education), to bring resources to bear on resolving the challenges, and to act as the accountability agent to ensure the work is completed.​

The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) requires each workforce development board to develop and submit, in partnership with the local chief elected official, to the state a comprehensive four-year plan. The WIOA four-year plan will be effective July 1, 2024 - June 30, 2028.


The local and regional plan will support the alignment strategy described in the draft NC Unified State Plan in accordance with WIOA Section 102(b)(1)(E), and otherwise be consistent with the NC Unified State Plan.


Workforce Development Boards shall comply with WIOA Sections 106 through 108 in the preparation and submission of the plan.


The Western Piedmont Workforce Development Board has referenced the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act, Public Law 113-128, enacted July 22, 2014 to complete the WIOA Plan for PY2024-2028.


Additional information is available at the U.S. Department of Labor Employment and Training Administration website:


The Western Piedmonts WDB Local Area’s update to its four-year plan is available for review. Please direct any questions to the WPWDB Director, Charity Patterson Hamber.​

What Does Workforce Development Do?


The North Carolina Division of Workforce Development is designated by the Governor to be the state administrative entity that receives grant funds under the federal Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) and to carry out the responsibilities of the Governor described in WIA legislation.


Federal Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) Title I funds support programs and activities that upgrade the skills of existing workers, prepare youth and other emerging workers to enter the labor force, and reconnect dislocated workers and economically disadvantaged persons to the workforce. The goal of these activities and programs is to prepare workers to meet the job demands of employers in both new and existing businesses.


WPWD Fast Facts


Work within the Division is focused on 3 functional areas:


  1. Planning and oversight of WIOA funding received by the state annually and from special grants.

  2. Staffing and supporting the work of the N.C. Commission on Workforce Development.

  3. Aligning our work and organizational structure with the mission and goals of the N.C. Department of Commerce.


Workforce professionals are keenly aware that the competitiveness and economic vitality of our nation are now, more than ever before, dependent on the quality of the American workforce. Well-prepared and qualified professionals are needed to facilitate the processes by which our workforce identifies, prepares for, obtains and maintains employment and self-sufficiency. Workforce professionals also help employers achieve and maintain a competitive advantage in global markets by connecting them with high-skilled employees

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Location: 1880 2nd Avenue NW | Hickory, NC 28601

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