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Image by Frank Busch

Movability Advisory Committee

In December of 2019, the Greater Hickory MPO submitted a grant application to the National Association of Chronic Disease Directors (CDC) to develop a Walkability Plan. The plan’s purpose is to address barriers at the intersection of movability, equity, and health. GHMPO was one of six teams in the country chosen by the CDC to participate in a six-month-long virtual academy to develop a walkability plan with the help of nationally recognized experts. This course intentionally brings together cross-disciplinary teams representing public health, planning, transportation, elected officials, state SPAN representatives, and other disciplines for an intensive, six-month applied-learning course on improving walkability, focusing on community and transportation design. The academy, known as the Walkability Action Institute (WAI), resulted in GHMPO’s Team Action Plan (please see below).


The Movability Advisory Committee (MAC) is listed as goal one in GHMPO’s Team Action Plan. MAC was specially designed to help the GHMPO planning area identify necessary policy, systematic, and environmental changes. The committee promotes equitable access to all forms of transportation, specifically bike, transit, and pedestrian. For many, walking, transit, and biking are their only means of accessing employment, education, medical care, food, and entertainment. MAC strives to make alternative transportation modes as safe as possible by identifying and removing mobility barriers. MAC utilizes locally adopted plans as well as public involvement to identify mobility barriers. The committee address them by coordinating with municipalities, NCDOT, and key representatives in the four-county region (Alexander, Catawba, Burke, and Caldwell) to address. Representatives serving on the committee have the expertise to most effectively reach the right voices and promote equity throughout our region. MAC hopes that future work will be much more effective by including representatives from health, education, transit, NCDOT, recreation, and many other sectors. Learn more about MAC’s work below:








Movability Maps


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