Public Notice - WPCOG RHA, Valdese Housing Authority, and Hickory Housing Authority Holding Public Meeting
Public Notice is given that the Western Piedmont Council of Governments-Regional Housing Authority, Valdese Housing Authority, and...
Public Notice: HHA will not be Processing New Leases at this Time
The City of Hickory Housing Authority will not be processing new leases at this time due to funding availability. This means that if you...
Public Notice: HHA Waiting List Closing
The City of Hickory Housing Authority will stop accepting applications for Mainstream Vouchers and close the waiting list on Friday,...
Public Notice - Western Piedmont Jobs Training Consortium is seeking competitive bids for the provision of Adult, Dislocated Worker, and Youth services
PUBLIC NOTICE Â Public Notice is given that the Western Piedmont Jobs Training Consortium is seeking competitive bids for the provision...