EdCampSTEM West - January 21 at Grandview Elementary School
The EdCampSTEMWest organizing team is excited to share with you plans for an Edcamp with a STEM focus. This Edcamp has everything that...

Introducing STEM West: Project-Based Learning in Action!
The newly established STEM West represents the intersection of two of IEI's top Emerging Issues Forum priorities: the Community Action...

Robox Sumo Train-the-Trainers Day
Youth workers and educators met at the Western Piedmont Council of Governments to be trained on hosting their own community Robox sumo...

Sister Cities Visits Balls Creek Elementary School’s STEAM Lab and Maker Space
As the 2015-16 school year ended, six German representatives of Sister Cities (sistercities.org) visited a Catawba County elementary...
RFP - Planning Consultation & Analytics Analysis
Reissue of REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL NUMBER 0916 for Planning Consultation and Analytics Analysis. To view the RFP please click here.