EdCamp STEM West
Registration is now open for the 3rd Annual EdCamp STEM West to be held January 12th. 2019 from 8:30-12:30. Meet and network at this...

STEM West Director Recognized by State Science Organizations
Dr. Carol Moore, President of the NC Science Teachers’ Association (NCSTA), was recognized at the NC Science Leadership Association...

2018 Fall STEM West Meeting November 7th, 2018 1:00-3:00 pm at North Carolina Center of Engineering
AGENDA STEM West Updates Lisa Rhoades--Senior Program Associate: North Carolina Science, Mathematics, and Technology Education...

Scaling STEM West Updates
It has been an exciting summer! STEM West has now extended its service area to include Region C Counties of McDowell, Rutherford, and...

STEMWest Welcomes Assistant Coordinator Carvan Craft Rich
Carvan Craft Rich is an AmeriCorps VISTA employee working as Assistant Coordinator at STEM West. Prior to this position she graduated...

Extreme STEM Tour Workshop
Registration Contacts carol.moore@wpcog.org or thall@educationmattersincatawba.org

STEM Trek!
On a beautiful Saturday on April 21st, STEM Trek, a NC Science Festival event, offered young people and their families opportunities to...
Western Piedmont - 2018 GEMS Club Coach Applications and Filling the Gap
Calling for teachers to apply to become GEMS club coaches!! These clubs will allow girls to gain confidence in science, technology,...
Region C - 2018 GEMS Clubs Coach Application and Filling the Gap
Region C--Filling the Gap: Project-Based Learning STEM West Teachers will work with local STEM businesses to create and implement a...