School Growth Models
The WPCOG Data Center conducts school growth analysis for the Burke County, Caldwell County, Catawba County, Hickory and Newton-Conover school systems using GIS technology. Established in 2000, the Catawba County Student Growth Estimation Model (CGEM) seeks to measure and predict student population growth in the Catawba County School system, the Hickory Public School System and the Newton-Conover City Schools. The Caldwell County Student Growth Estimation Model (CaldGEM) was first completed in 2003 while the Burke County Student Growth Estimation Model (BurkGEM) report was completed in 2014. The models use Geographic Information System (GIS) technology with supporting data from building permit and GIS ownership databases, the US Census Bureau, the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction, the North Carolina Labor and Economic Analysis Division, the North Carolina Department of Commerce and the North Carolina Office of Management and Budget. The reports identify growth trends by school over the next seven years. The model can be conducted in other areas if adequate GIS data is available. For more information about school growth models, contact WPCOG Data Analyst/GIS Manager, Taylor Dellinger (828.485.4233) or taylor.dellinger@wpcog.org.