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May is Older Americans Month

Older adults are a growing and increasingly vital part of our community. Since 1963, communities across the country have shown their gratitude by celebrating Older Americans Month each May. The theme of this year’s celebration is “Blazing a Trail”, which emphasize the way older adults are reinventing themselves through new work and passions, engaging in their communities, and blazing a trail of positive impact on the lives of people of all ages.

By promoting and engaging in activities, wellness and inclusivity, more Americans than ever before can define how they are “Blazing a Trail.” While the Western Piedmont Council of Governments Area Agency on Aging provides many services to older adults year-round, Older Americans Month offers an opportunity to emphasize how older adults can gain access to their various needs to remain living independently in their communities. It is also an occasion to highlight how older adults are engaging and making a difference in their communities. The Area Agency on Aging urges everyone to take time this month to celebrate older adults and the people who serve and support them as powerful and vital members who significantly contribute to our community.

For more information about Older American’s Month, visit the Administration for Community Living at You can also access information about services for older adults in Alexander, Burke, Caldwell, and Catawba counties by visiting or calling the Area Agency on Aging at (828) 485-4216.



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