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Foothills Recruitment Event

The Foothills Recruitment Event is scheduled for Tuesday, June 21, from 9:00am to 12:00pm at the Conference Center at the Foothills Higher Education Center.

The job fair, which typically draws over 50 local and regional employers, will feature opportunities in almost every field from manufacturing and healthcare to retail and construction. The event is free and open to the public. Jobseekers are encouraged to arrive early and to have resumes on hand.

The job fair is sponsored by Leviton, McDonalds, Case Farms, and Accuforce. Community partners and organizations supporting the event include NCWorks, Burke Development, Inc., Vocational Rehabilitations Services, Western Piedmont Community College, the Western Piedmont Workforce Development Board and Burke County Public Schools.

The Foothills Higher Education Center is located in Morganton at 2128 South Sterling Street across from Fatz Café. The event will be held rain or shine. For the latest updates on the event and attending employers, visit Facebook and search “Burke Foothills Recruitment Event” or call 828-438-6161.

Foothills Recruitment Event Flyer



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