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Catawba County EDC Committee of 100 & STEM West Invite You to Learn About Betabox - Nov. 8

Catawba County EDC Committee of 100 & STEM West invite you to an event to learn about BETABOX and how this modular tech space can impact both our local schools and your company.


November 8, 2016

From 745am to 9am

(coffee/donuts provided)

NC Center for Engineering Technologies

1990 Main Ave SE

Hickory, NC 28602

What is BETABOX?

Betabox is a customizable design-thinking and prototyping pod that can be delivered anywhere in the country. Perfect for design challenges, new product development, team research and exploring market insights, these spaces cultivate and enable creativity, problem solving, and learning by doing.

Some of the technology in this shell of a 20 foot shipping container includes vacuum forming, laser cutting machines and 3D printers - but it can easily be configured to be a wet lab, electronics lab or any type of design space your organization may need.

Three Reasons to Attend:

  1. A BETABOX lab and BETABOX experts will be onsite this morning to walk attendees through just some of the possibilities with this type of available technology.

  2. Beginning at 9AM, experts will be guiding area students through a workshop that allows them to engage with and learn about advanced robotics technologies that are being used by today's manufacturers. You are welcome to stay and observe.

  3. If you have never seen the technology available at the NC Center for Engineering Technologies, tours will be available.



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