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Request for Proposals (RFP) Utility Allowance Study - WPCOG Regional Housing Authority

March 30, 2017

The Western Piedmont Council of Governments Regional Housing Authority (RHA) is seeking a firm to conduct a utility allowance, survey/study to determine the appropriate utility allowance for our Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Program. HUDs 24 CFR 982.517 2(b) must be followed and describes how allowances are determined.

Proposals must be received no later than 5:00 pm EST on Friday April 28, 2017. Please submit one original and two copies of the proposal as follows:

Mail to: WPCOG - RHA | Attn: Stephanie Hanvey | PO Box 9026 | Hickory, NC 28603

Hand Deliver to: WPCOG - RHA | Attn: Stephanie Hanvey | 1880 2nd Avenue NW | Hickory, NC 28601

Respondents are solely and entirely responsible for ensuring that submissions are received before the stated due date and time. All responses must be in a sealed envelope and have “COMPANY NAME – Utility Allowance RFP” clearly marked on the outer most mailing envelope.

Proposals will not be accepted after the date and time stated above. Incomplete proposals or proposals that do not conform to the requirements specified herein will not be considered. Issuance of the RFP does not obligate the RHA to award a contract, nor is the RHA liable for any costs incurred by the proposer in the preparation and submittal of proposals for the subject work. The RHA retains the right to award all or parts of this contract to several bidders, to not select any bidders, and/or to re-solicit proposals. The act of submitting a proposal is a declaration that the proposer has read the RFP and understands all the requirements and conditions.


1. Scope of Services

The Regional Housing Authority (RHA) is seeking a firm to conduct a utility allowance, survey/study within 90 days of contract execution to determine the appropriate utility allowance for our Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Program; and to update the utility allowance schedules for four years thereafter. Either party will have the right to request to terminate or modify the potential contract.

HUDs 24 CFR 982.517 2(b) must be followed and describes how allowances are determined. The utility allowance schedule must be determined based on the typical cost of utilities and services paid by energy conservative households that occupy housing of similar size and type in the same locality. In developing the schedule the Public Housing Authority must use normal patterns of consumption for the community as a whole and current utility rates.

Local Utility providers in Alexander, Burke, Caldwell and Catawba Counties, must be considered and consulted. Providers include but are not limited to: Duke Power Company, Blue Ridge Electric, Rutherford Electric, City of Lenoir, City of Maiden, City of Morganton, Town of Granite Falls, Town of Drexel, Energy United, City of Newton, and Town of Taylorsville.

The utility allowance schedule must be prepared and submitted in accordance with HUD requirements on the form prescribed by HUD (52667). The six housing types for which RHA Section 8 Program has utility allowance schedules are: (a) Duplex; (b) Garden; (c) High-Rise; (d) Mobile Home; (e) Single family; (f) Townhouse.

The RHA currently subsidizes approximately 1,073 Housing Choice Voucher units through out the four county area.

2. Proposal Submission Requirements

Cover Letter

Provide a brief summary of your firm’s approach to the work associated with the requested services, including an understanding of the scope of services required and unique or innovative approaches utilized in performing these services.

Contractor Identification

Provide the name of the firm, the firm’s principal place of business, the name and telephone number of the primary contact person and company tax identification number.

3. Qualifications

The firm must be familiar with federal regulations pertaining to utility allowance determinations. If awarded, the firm must provide a detailed report including a description of the methodology, tool(s), and data used to develop the new schedules.


List all tools (including HUD’s Utility Model, internal company-developed tool, or other) and data sources to be used to determine utility allowance schedules.


Provide a contract quote for a one (1) year survey/study and quote for updates for four subsequent years thereafter.

Client References

Provide a minimum of three client references: name, title, organization, address and telephone number.

For each entity include:

  • The term (beginning and ending dates) of your contract agreement(s).

  • A brief description of the scope of work.

4. Selection Criteria

The following criteria will be considered, although not exclusively, in determining which firm is hired.

  • Cost (40 points)

  • Experience and knowledge of federal regulations (30 points)

  • Proposal Completeness (20 points)

  • References (10 points)

5. Payment

Invoices must be fully itemized, unless a flat fee contract, and provide sufficient information for approving payment and audit.

6. Additional Requirements


Contractor shall defend, hold harmless and indemnify RHA, and its respective Board members, officers, agents and employees of and from all claims, loss, damage, injury, actions, causes of action and liability of every kind, nature and description directly or indirectly arising out of or connected with the performance of this Contract and any of Contractor’s operations or activities related thereto, excluding the willful misconduct or the gross negligence of the person or entity seeking to be defended, indemnified or held harmless.

Assistance To Small and Other Businesses

Consistent with Presidential Executive Orders 11625, 12138, 12432 and Section 3 of the HUD Act of 1968, all efforts shall be made to ensure that small and Minority-Owned Businesses (MBE), Women’s Business Enterprises (WBE), Disadvantaged Business Enterprises (DBE) and individuals or firms located in or owned in substantial part by persons residing in the area of a RHA project are used when possible.

Section 3 Compliance

Firm must describe proposed compliance with Section 3 of the Housing Act of 1968, as amended regarding the provision of training and employment opportunities for low- income persons, with priority to residents of Alexander, Burke, Caldwell and Catawba Counties.



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