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2017 Spring STEM West Meeting Recap

Filling the Gap

Spring STEM West meeting was held at the WPCOG on April 26th. Along with networking, stakeholders started the process of asset mapping the region’s STEM-based activities in our communities. Through a Gallery Walk, they also interacted with Filling the Gap teachers that were trained last summer in project based learning (PBL). These teachers worked with local STEM business partners to develop a PBL unit and implement it in their classrooms. Over 400 students were impacted by the PBL units.

EXTREME STEM Tour Training

June 20th @ the Manufacturing Solutions Center (MSC)

Through funding by Duke Energy and the Appalachian Rural Commission, STEM West will once again partner with CVCC to provide training to county teams to create their own unique STEM Tours to engage their local STEM businesses. The training will begin at 10:00 at the Manufacturing Solution Center in Conover. It will include a tour of the MSC, explanation of the resources to build your tour, and time to work with your team. The session will end by 2:00. A team may include school district personnel such as CTE directors, curriculum specialists, program managers, etc. The team also needs a community college contact, and entities involved with local businesses such as Career Development Centers, Economic Development Councils, etc. If interested, complete the google form:



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