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STEM Trek - Oak Ridge National Lab (ORNL) Traveling Science Fair

STEM West is excited to bring to you the Oak Ridge National Lab (ORNL) Traveling Science Fair as part of the North Carolina Science Festival 2019. Six large trailers will be demonstrating STEM technologies covering advanced materials, clean energy, computational sciences, neutron sciences, and nuclear science & engineering. The lab trailers are engaging for all age groups! Families, youth groups, university students, clubs, scouts, are all welcome.
The event will take place on the SALT Block/Catawba Science Center on Friday, April 12 & 13, 2019. On Saturday the 13th, local STEM businesses will be providing additional hands-on activities related to their work. You may want to consider scheduling a visit to the Catawba Science Center and/or the Hickory Museum of Arts on the same day while you are on the SALT Block.

Put it on the calendar!



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