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Newton, WPCOG seek applicants for home rehabilitation funding

NEWTON, NC—The City of Newton and the Western Piedmont Council of Governments (WPCOG) are partnering to apply for federal funding to help low- and moderate-income families in Newton make improvements to their homes.

Newton is applying for housing rehabilitation funds from the N.C. Department of Commerce Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Neighborhood Revitalization Program. WPCOG will administer the effort. The program will include the identification of up to 15 owner-occupied homes for rehabilitation to benefit residents and improve housing conditions in Newton.

Newton is pursuing an application for the Scattered Site Housing Rehabilitation category, which includes funding that must be used to benefit owner-occupied households in the City of Newton that are below 80 percent of the median income. Funds will be disbursed in the form of a loan secured with a deed of trust with no monthly payments. Applicants must be current on city and county taxes to be considered.

Applications will be submitted to the state by July 27. Funding will likely be allocated in the fall of 2020.

For more information and to apply, please contact Laurie Powell at WPCOG at 828-485-4249.



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