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The Western Piedmont Council of Governments is receiving applications for Urgent Repair loan funds to replace a roof or replacement of HVAC or installation of heat in a house that doesn’t have any heating source. This program is sponsored by the NC Housing Finance Agency with funds provided by the NC Housing Trust Fund. Alexander, Burke, and Caldwell County will receive $80,000 each of this multi-county loan to assist at least seven (7) Homeowners in each county. This loan must alleviate housing conditions, which pose an imminent threat to life or safety.  An eligible household must have very-low income, special needs and own/occupy the home. Special needs include households with members who are at least 62 years old; or handicapped or disabled members; or a single parent with at least one dependent child in residence; or households with five or more persons; and or a Military Veteran. If you have any questions, call Jennifer Cannon, Community Development Administrative Assistant, 828-485-4250.


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Mailing: P.O. Box 9026 | Hickory, NC 28603
Location: 1880 2nd Avenue NW | Hickory, NC 28601

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