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Public Meeting 7/15/24- Charlotte Interbasin Transfer Request from Catawba River Basin to the Rocky River Basin

Charlotte Water filed a notice of its intent to request an increase from 33 million gallons per day (MGD) up to 63 MGD regarding the water it transfers from the Catawba River Basin to the Rocky River Basin, a tributary of the Yadkin/Pee Dee River. Here are a few concerns that our local governments have:

  • Transferring water from the Catawba River Basin reduces future growth opportunities for local communities in our region.

  • Reducing the flow of the Catawba River potentially causes greater concentrations of pollutants in the river.

  • Increasing IBTs further deplete our water supply levels during drought conditions.

  • IBTs of this magnitude subsidize growth in other areas using the limited resources of the Catawba River.

A public meeting will be held on Monday, July 15, 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 the CoMMA Performing Arts Center, 401 S. College St., Morganton, NC 28655.

If you would like to attend virtually, or if you would like to view past meetings please visit:


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