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Image by Raphael Andres

Western Piedmont Transportation Safety Plan

Western Piedmont Transportation Safety Plan (TSP)


The Western Piedmont Council of Governments (WPCOG), Greater Hickory Metropolitan Planning Organization (GHMPO), and North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) are partnering to develop a transportation safety action plan, the Western Piedmont Transportation Safety Plan (TSP). Deaths and serious injuries on roadways in the GHMPO region are unacceptable—the TSP will focus on analyzing the safety of existing transportation infrastructure and identifying customized solutions to transportation safety concerns. The goals of the TSP are to:


  • Establish a timeline for significant reduction, toward elimination, of fatalities and serious injury crashes for all modes on the region’s transportation system;

  • Follow a data-driven approach to identify safety issues and needs;

  • Produce recommended crash reduction strategies, countermeasures, and safety improvements using the Safe System Approach (SSA);

  • Increase awareness of transportation safety risks;

  • Analyze all modes of transportation;

  • Identify funding and policy related opportunities;

  • Equitably reach residents from each county and underserved or transportation disadvantaged populations; and

  • Coordinate with and inform other regional efforts.


Evidence-based best practices in data analysis will inform the development of a High Injury Network (HIN), a High Injury Intersection (HII) network, a Bike-Ped HIN, and a High-Risk Network (HRN) by pinpointing areas where the most injuries occur and evaluating the region’s biggest transportation risks. This process emphasizes the role of crash history while taking a proactive approach to transportation safety. Once areas for improvement have been identified, the TSP will recommend safety enhancements and countermeasures for implementation. The analysis of transportation safety conditions will also inform the development of transportation safety performance measurements to track progress towards eliminating crashes in the region.

The Transportation Safety Plan is being led by a multidisciplinary steering committee and will include accessible engagement sessions in each of the four counties in the GHMPO region to discuss safety concerns with the public.

Check back on this web site for regular updates on the TSP, including opportunities to be involved in the planning process.


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